Nancy Hayward Mitchell (daughter of Sid Hayward, one of Cardigan’s founders) became a member of The Heritage Society in 2015. Remembering her father’s excitement and enthusiasm over the possibilities that Cardigan could offer to these young boys, as well as seeing how far the School had come, led her to make her gift. With Cardigan’s 75th academic year beginning in 2020, Nancy is impressed by the way the community honors those that came before them.

“As a child, I really admired Bev and Norm Wakely,” Nancy said. “They took the time to take care of our family, and welcomed us to Cardigan events after my father passed unexpectedly.” The Wakelys’ inclusion of the Hayward family in school life helps Nancy feels a close connection to this day. “As I see successful alumni come out of Cardigan, I can’t help but be inspired,” she said.

Cardigan boys are the embodiment of Nancy’s father intent as a founder. By joining The Heritage Society, Nancy too helps the School to follow through on its mission.